Military Family Moving Tips
Posted by Eric Skates on
Relocating and moving into a new home? We have some packing and moving tips for you from the pros. Military families tend to move several times during enlistments. In honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Day last week, we asked a group of military moms and dads for the best piece of advice they have for other families going through the process of packing and moving to a new place.
We interviewed 10 families living around the United States, from different branches of the military, in different stages of their careers. We’ve shared their responses with you here so you can learn from their wealth of expertise and have a seamless moving experience.
Audra- Airforce: Ziploc products are your friend! Press and Seal is great for jewelry, knicknacks, makeup and toiletries. Storage stretch wrap works for large items like furniture or appliances that you don't want scuffed in transit. Put Saran Wrap over toiletries, detergents, household cleaners and then replace the cap over the top so they don't spill in transit. Strap down that grill cover or it will arrive in pieces!
Karen- Army: Get copies of all of your important papers- marriage certificates, birth certificates, passports.Throw out anything you don’t really need before you move- Purge it all! You don’t really need 16 plates and 25 cups for a family of 4. It’s a great way to have a fresh start.
Lindsay- Coast Guard and Airforce: Purchase gift cards to local restaurants. It's a great way to try new places and not break the bank. It's also nice because you’re not worried about it when you are exhausted from the move. Have an “Essentials” box of everything you'll want to unpack right away- toilet paper, cleaning supplies, trash bags, air mattresses and curtains.
Christine- Army: We are dog owners. Make sure you have pet shot records and health certificates with you.If you are travelling a distance use an app for a place that has dog friendly hotels. If you’re using movers, consider sending your stuff a month or so in advance so it is there waiting for you when you get there and do NOT allow them to take important paperwork like marriage certificates, social security cards, birth certificates.
Kerrie- Navy: Keep your medical and dental records with you. Same with your kid’s school records. Have some money saved for unexpected expenses. Your job may reimburse you (the military does), but don’t expect that to be immediate.
Justin- Army: Pack the non-essentials way beforehand and make sure to label everything. Put all nuts and bolts and small parts from taking apart furniture in tupperware containers and label what they are. Bring enough clothes with you to last a couple of weeks while you wait for your things to arrive.
Kristin- Ret. Army: Pack the TV last. Have activities at the ready to keep kids occupied. Have a room to put things you don’t want packed by movers. Most importantly, If it isn’t in writing, it didn't happen when working with movers. Take pictures and read carefully before signing anything.
Jackie- Army: Do at least a partial DITY ( Do it yourself) if you are moving a long distance. We arrive at duty stations long before the movers do. It was nice to have mattresses, cribs, pots and pans, plates and silverware, towels etc when we got there instead of having to wait over a month for their arrival.
Heidi- Coast Guard: Take pictures and keep an inventory of everything. Bring big ticket receipts with you along with other important paperwork. Bring something with you that represents the place you are leaving. It helps the kids adjust to something new when they have something special to keep with them.
Ashlie- Army: Small things like towels, bed linens, pillows, a favorite blanket won't be something you want to dig for your first night in a new house. Pack it and transport with you and make sure it is labelled so you can find it in a flash. We get a TLA (Temporary Lodging Allowance), call ahead to those hotels and ask lots of questions in advance so there are no surprises. Do some Social Media investigation of your new area and learn to ask the right people about what to prepare for. Do your research and don’t be afraid to ask all the questions. Lastly- Know that any frustration that might come up is temporary and normalcy resumes before you know it.
We hope your move into a new home is an easy transition, keep these tips in mind while getting ready for your move! If you're looking for financing options or have questions about mortgages, contact us today at (877) 255-3554 or click here to get started.