Natural Home Remedies to Repel Bugs

The wonderful thing about this time of year is how much time we get to spend enjoying the outdoors. Unfortunately the bugs and creepy crawlers love this time of year just as much as we do. We’ve got some ideas to help keep the bugs at bay whether you are hanging out on the porch, in the yard, or enjoying the great outdoors. And the best part is they are Earth and family friendly because they come from natural plants and oils that are easy to get a hold of.

Flowers and Herbs that Drive Away the Bugs

The flowers you can plant at home that repel bugs are lavender, marigolds, geraniums and mums. The stronger the smell, the better they repel. Unfortunately not every climate supports these types of flowers in the deepest part of summer when insects bug us the most. So consider the next kind of garden...

If you don't already have an herb garden going, we highly suggest it. Not only is it a time and money saver to have fresh herbs on hand for when you need them for cooking and baking, but  there are a ton that keep the critters away too.

Rosemary, basil, bee balm, mint, sage all repel mosquitos. You can also plant citronella grass and lemongrass too with the same effect.

Protect Yourself Indoors or Outdoors with Natural Sprays

What about if you have spiders breaching the barrier between outdoors and inside? You can make a spray out of these herbs or find the essential oil form of eucalyptus, citronella, citrus, peppermint, or tea tree. If it’s concentrated, it will kill the spiders on contact. You can always humanely catch them with a drinking glass and release them back outside. But citrus, peppermint, and cinnamon will also repel ants- another bothersome summertime invaders.

If you are heading away from home and will be outdoors for a while, The Old Farmer’s Almanac  has a great way to make a homemade bug spray for your body by mixing the following ingredients:


  • 1 ½ tsp of your chosen essential oil: citronella peppermint, eucalyptus or lemongrass 
  • 2 cups of witch hazel
  • 1 tbs apple cider vinegar


They have additional alternatives if that combination doesn’t suit your needs. Check out this link to find out more.

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